Melanie, a former patient
The darkness of an eating disorder is indescribable. In the pit of it, during high school, college and then some time afterwards, I was absolutely certain that I would never, ever be normal around food. I was certain that I would never not be tortured by my body and I was certain that my life would be forever marred by this struggle. Change seemed possible for other people but not me. And then I fortuitously found Susan. I had always been skeptical about therapy. But the depth of my sessions with Susan cannot be summarized. She does not just passively listen but actively engages and responds. She taught me radical self acceptance.
She taught me creative forms of self expression that gave me confidence when I had none and were the rock upon which my recovery was build. She gave me concrete tools that have become a regular part of my life. It is truly a miracle to me that I live now, and have for years, completely free of the torment of an eating disorder and I owe that to Susan. I still use the tools that she gave me in my career and my journey through womanhood. As a mother now of daughters, I am forever grateful for her influence in my life, which has allowed me to be fully present for my girls and to experience joy that I never thought possible.
— Melanie, a former patient